Issues with Post Images

Before troubleshooting, make sure that version of the plugin is not too outdated. If so, please  update it.

  1. Images don't look good: distorted, skewed or else
  2. Some images are not displayed
  3. Post images overlapping the content
  4. How to display only posts that have images/video
  5. Images are not visible in RSS feed

1. Images don't look good: distorted, skewed or else

  1. Try to rebuild feed's cache.
  2. Edit your stream and add this snippet to CSS section:
    .ff-item .ff-img-holder img {
        max-width: 100%;

2. Some images are not displayed

  1. Go to Settings tab of the plugin and try to disable proxy images.
  2. Try to re-authenticate social network with problematic feeds.
  3. Rebuild feed's cache (check image above).

3. Post images overlapping the content

Please follow this guide:  Stream Cards Are Clumped

4. How to display only posts that have images/video

While editing your stream go to General tab and enable Show only media posts option.

5. Images are not visible in RSS feed

Edit your RSS feed and check that Rich text option is enabled. 

If it doesn't help, it's possible that there are no images in feed source or feed is invalid.  Validate RSS feed

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