Authenticate with Instagram

Please note

This is a unified guide for all Social Stream Apps, including Flow-Flow for WordPress and Shopify, Grace Instagram Gallery, and all upcoming streaming apps. Here and below, any mention of a Plugin or Social Stream App means one of the apps or plugins listed above.

To display Instagram feeds, you must authenticate on Instagram on the Plugin AUTH tab. 

Use Instagram feeds with Graph API

Since Instagram (owned by Facebook) has decisively shut down its old APIs, we got Facebook's approval and implemented the new Instagram Graph API in Flow-Flow. It works as a unified application with fairly simple actions required.

Please connect to our Facebook app under the AUTH tab to obtain an API token and get content from Instagram. This token will be used for pulling BOTH Facebook AND Instagram feeds:

  1. Switch your personal Instagram profile to a business profile.
  2. Connect your Instagram account to a Facebook business page. Because Instagram’s professional accounts are accessed through Facebook accounts, your account used for auth purposes must have a Facebook account to view content. Also, the Facebook account must have admin permissions on a Facebook page linked to the Instagram account being accessed.
  3. Visit the AUTH tab in the plugin's admin dashboard, find the "Facebook and Instagram integration" section, and hit the CONNECT button.
  4. You will be redirected to Facebook application auth processing. Select your Instagram business account and save settings.
  5. On the next page, select your Facebook business page and save settings. Please check the only page (currently, no multi-pages are supported) with the Instagram account connected.
  6. And set access permissions to get posts, comments, etc.
  7. If no mistakes were made, you would get this window. Press OK.
  8. You will be redirected back to the plugin admin page with a token inserted. If you got any issues during these steps, try to disable ad-blockers or wait a couple of minutes before a new try.
  9. Create feeds you need (User, Hashtag, or Location). You have no need to enter hash (#) or mention (@) symbols:


If your feeds are showing the "(#100) Tried accessing non-existing field (business_discovery) on node type (Page)" error, please make sure that during the authentication process, you connected the Facebook page with the Instagram account connected. Also, connecting multiple pages is not supported (so there is no need to do this for proper work).

Before re-authentication, try to remove the Flow-Flow app here And authenticate after that.

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