Facebook: Application Request Limit Reached

Please note

Please keep in mind that we're not affiliated with Facebook company.
Please get in touch with the Facebook support team if you have any issues with Facebook services.

It is a unified guide for all Social Stream Apps, including Flow-Flow for WordPress, Grace, and all upcoming streaming apps. Here and below, any mention of a Plugin or Social Stream App means one of the apps or plugins listed above.

This error happens when somebody is spamming our Facebook application with an unusual number of requests. Once it happens, we automatically disable Facebook feeds for a few hours. Every disabled feed will try to reanimate itself in 6 hours. So, if it happened without your attention, your Facebook feeds will be turned on after a while anyway.

Be advised that Facebook limits API calls at the App level (not by users). When you connect Flow-Flow to our App, you share common API calls limitation with all users who connected via our App. When a rate limit is exceeded, all API calls from an app are throttled and fail for a brief period. It can take up to an hour before requests can be accepted again.

What you can do

You can try to re-enable the feed once per hour manually. Or you can do nothing, and we will try to re-enable your feeds every 6 hours. 

It's a good idea to check that your version of Flow-Flow is not too outdated. From time to time, we create new Facebook Apps that work with new plugin versions only. We're looking for opportunities to improve this case.

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